Monthly Archives: April 2015

Spring Has Sprung!

In spite of  rain in the forecast, nine hard working volunteers showed up  for the April 11th Garden workday. George and Gary had tilled several untended beds and the group got busy pulling the remaining weeds and grass. Judy, George, Ellie, Fred, Mike, Ana, Jane, David and Nathan labored during the cool morning, glad that summer was not here yet. We were able to plant bed #4 with carrots, sunflower seeds, and mesclun (a lettuce mixture). The goal is to use the unadopted beds for  growing vegetables and also flowers to attract butterflies. Next we will plant beans to eat and to improve the soil when they are turned under. George has planted pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber, squash, beets, tomatoes, and Swiss chard in the production beds. It is going to require a lot of help to tend these beds and pick these crops, but it will be rewarding to donate the harvest to our neighbors in the community.

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