Monthly Archives: August 2018

3rd Annual Garden Potluck

The Third Annual BAUUC Community Garden Potluck was held on Saturday, August 18th. Twenty-four gardeners and guests from BAUUC and Bronson Street Community Gardens attended. Nancy Saint, President of the Clear Lake Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas, shared her expertise on the importance of native plants and their use in area landscaping.


Veritable FEAST!

We enjoyed a veritable feast including several delicious salads, pickled okra, penne pasta with pesto and bruschetta with tomatoes. Most of the dishes featured vegetables grown in our gardens. We finished the meal with several desserts and Siok Hong Chen-Sabot’s creative “vegetable” cake again this year!

Siok Hong Cake

Everyone went home with a door prize, including our church honey and Siok Hong’s salsa made from Bruce Meltzer’s tomatoes. The Share Table offered seeds, plants and worms. It was a successful and enjoyable potluck and we look forward to our fourth one next year.

A special thanks to Patrick Ferrell and Paul Dum for mowing our garden. It looks great!

Our next workday will be on September 15 from 8:30 ‘til 11. Come and join us.

Post & Photos by: Nathan Veatch, Garden Administrator and Siok Hong Chen-Sabot

Please enjoy our photos!!



Sharon Juntunen of Bronson St. Community Garden donated a mason bee hotel for the Share Table. Mason bees are native bees that pollinate many fruits and vegetables.



Siok Hong donated her homemade salsa to the Door Prize Table.


Nancy Saint, President NPSOT


The native ground-cover, Frog Fruit, can be found near the tractor shed. Keep it moist.

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