Category Archives: Bragging Rights

January Garden Blog – 2020

Thanks for a Great Year!

The highlight of the 2019 gardening year is the gardeners’ continuing contributions of their time and effort.

A sincere thank you to:

George Becker, our plumber, who installed new water spigots and poles with hose hangers that make it possible to mow when everyone coils the hoses after use. He also brought his battery powered hedge clippers to trim back the grass at the end of summer so we could till beds more easily.

Jane and David Malin who graciously shared their plants and growing tips. We have really enjoyed the yellow tomatoes.

Siok Hong Chen-Sabot introduced us to new plants and tastes from different countries.

Bruce Meltzer shared his bed with us so we could have a great crop of sweet potatoes that produced enough to share with the ICM Food Pantry and our resident rabbits.

Susan and Robert Strahan were always the first to arrive every workday and try new plants in their bed.

Beatriz and Liam Perez-Sweeney supplied herbs to local farmers’ markets.

DeAndra Newcomb always had a smile and a helping hand when needed.

Ivar Larsen and Laura Dean were a big help with weeding and harvesting vegetables.

Patrick Ferrell for regularly mowing between the beds.

Terry Garner and Urban Harvest for providing plants, seeds and Micro-Life fertilizer for our donation beds each season.

And especially Emily Savino, our long-time editor who posts on this blog.

It is a pleasure to work with all these folks in our Community Garden!


Our next Garden Workday is on Jan. 18 from 8 ‘til 11. Volunteers are always welcome. Comments or Questions:, or

Nathan Veatch, Garden Administrator


3rd Annual Garden Potluck

The Third Annual BAUUC Community Garden Potluck was held on Saturday, August 18th. Twenty-four gardeners and guests from BAUUC and Bronson Street Community Gardens attended. Nancy Saint, President of the Clear Lake Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas, shared her expertise on the importance of native plants and their use in area landscaping.


Veritable FEAST!

We enjoyed a veritable feast including several delicious salads, pickled okra, penne pasta with pesto and bruschetta with tomatoes. Most of the dishes featured vegetables grown in our gardens. We finished the meal with several desserts and Siok Hong Chen-Sabot’s creative “vegetable” cake again this year!

Siok Hong Cake

Everyone went home with a door prize, including our church honey and Siok Hong’s salsa made from Bruce Meltzer’s tomatoes. The Share Table offered seeds, plants and worms. It was a successful and enjoyable potluck and we look forward to our fourth one next year.

A special thanks to Patrick Ferrell and Paul Dum for mowing our garden. It looks great!

Our next workday will be on September 15 from 8:30 ‘til 11. Come and join us.

Post & Photos by: Nathan Veatch, Garden Administrator and Siok Hong Chen-Sabot

Please enjoy our photos!!



Sharon Juntunen of Bronson St. Community Garden donated a mason bee hotel for the Share Table. Mason bees are native bees that pollinate many fruits and vegetables.



Siok Hong donated her homemade salsa to the Door Prize Table.


Nancy Saint, President NPSOT


The native ground-cover, Frog Fruit, can be found near the tractor shed. Keep it moist.

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Garden News for December 2017

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BAUUC Community Garden News: Jane and David have converted their raised beds from decaying wooden sides to concrete blocks. No more rotted boards or ants! They ordered more soil on the November 18 workday to fill their larger beds. A donation bed was tilled and two varieties of lettuce and broccoli were planted by Siok Hong, George, Jill and Nathan. The battle with the deep grass roots was finally won! George’s zinnias and Siok Hong’s butterfly weed are attracting several kinds of butterflies and other insects. Be sure to walk through the garden after church on the next sunny day. Siok Hong is also harvesting sweet potatoes that Urban Harvest shared with us early last spring. Wow!

Raised bed conversion from wood to bricks

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Some work day pictures!



Next garden work day is Saturday, December 16th from 9am – 11:00am. Join us for a cup of cocoa!

Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes from BAUUC Community Garden – News

Quotes from our gardeners:

The day before Thanksgiving, we harvested several buckets of sweet potatoes from the garden. David and I took home six – two huge monsters and four others. We decided to cook them for the BAUUC Thanksgiving potluck. I found a recipe for oven-roasted sweet potato wedges (400° for 30 minutes), and David invented his own basting sauce of margarine, maple syrup and low sodium soy sauce. The only hard part was cutting those hard sweet potatoes into wedges. We dug out our electric knife for that. The results were sweet and delicious wedges. The sauce lent some moist sweetness that blended right in. They were all gone by the end of the potluck.- Jane

Jane, that is so awesome – I thoroughly enjoyed mine – gave some to Bruce M. I spiralized and baked them, and also boiled them. Also, I found that sweet potato leaves are edible. I stir-fried them with just some salt and garlic and they tasted like spinach. I like the fact that I am eating fresh organic greens. Cheers, Ms. Siok Hong

Post & Photos by Nathan




2nd Annual Community Garden Potluck

The Second Annual BAUUC Community Garden Potluck was held on Saturday, August 19th. Nineteen gardeners and guests from BAUUC and Bronson Street Community Gardens attended. It was a pleasure and honor to welcome and meet Julie Lambert, our former Director of Lifespan Religious Education and the founder of our community garden! Thank you, Verva and Mike, for inviting Julie today.

Terry Garner of Urban Harvest shared his expertise in a lively presentation on the essentials of successful gardening. Dawn Newcomer, Urban Harvest Community Gardens Coordinator, also attended our potluck and asked if we’re interested in being a “hub” community garden. Among other activities, we would distribute fall and spring vegetable seedlings to area gardens.

We enjoyed several interesting salads, home canned vegetables, tempura fried okra, homemade Meyer lemonade and Matcha green iced tea. We finished the meal with Siok Hong Chen-Sabot’s “vegetable” cake!


Everyone went home with a door prize. Jane Malin won the best prize – a rain barrel system donated by Urban Harvest. A big thank you to Bruce Meltzer and Paula Criswell for their special door prizes. It was a successful and enjoyable potluck and we look forward to our third one next year.


Our next workday will be on September 16 from 8:30 until 11am. Please text Nathan at 713-502-3726 with questions or comments. Visit our Community Garden blog:

Article & Photos by Nathan Veatch

Garden Potluck – Great Success!

On August 20, eighteen gardeners attended the 1st BAUUC Garden Potluck held in Cockrell Hall.  We had a delicious lunch including fresh salads, soups, casseroles, pasta salad, homemade cookies & cakes. With such a great turnout, we hope to make this an annual event!

Those attending were: George Becker, Ellie Childs, Cindy Lewis, David and Jane Malin, Deandra Newcomb, Ana Payne, John Regner, Siok Hong Chen and David Sabot, Emily Savino & Scott Pensyl, Rosemary S. Clist, Nathan and Jill Veatch. Attending from Challenger 7 Community Garden: Oscar and Sandy Nelson, and Japheth Olivier.

Everyone shared their gardening experiences with each other and helped to build a Bay Area community garden fellowship. We also had the pleasure of winning several door prizes including fresh honey and gardening books.

A huge thank you for those that attended. We look forward to hosting another Bay Area potluck!

Pictures from the event

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Blog post by Nathan & Emily, Photos by Nathan

BAUU Community Garden in the News!

Our very own Community Garden was mentioned in an article about Bay Area Gardens in the Houston Chronicle. Check out the Article here!


If you got inspired by the article, please join us for the our next garden work day on Saturday, June 11th from 8am – 10:30am. Bring water, wear a hat & gloves if you’ve got them!

Youth Rally Work Project Big Success

On Saturday, 1/16/2016, the UU Youth from Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana braved chilly weather to hoe, dig, rake, and as one youth said “make the green disappear!” In two short hours the congenial group of about 80 youth and adults were able to prepare three 20ft beds and three 10ft beds for planting our spring gardens. We will be planting onions, carrots and lettuces that will be donated to our church kitchen and area food banks. (We used the planting directions from “Bulb Onions a Plenty,” by Bruce on May 22, 2015.) Thanks to Wally, Nelda, Verva, and Ivar, we had enough tools to accomplish the job. By 12:30, everyone had left except George who worked in the rain to fix a broken water line. Thank you, George!

The replacement of the rotted sideboards is well on its way with Bruce M. and Kate’s three beds being completed by a contractor. George and Nathan have lined two of the 20ft beds and will be working on the rest on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you can help with this job, please email Nathan. We would appreciate your help, whether you have a bed or not!

The next workday is scheduled for February 13 and the second Saturdays of the following months. If you would like a bed and/or have questions, email Nathan at Thanks for visiting us at!


We have a great many pictures to share of today’s work day!

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Posts & Photos by Nathan.

Got onion?

Carol's OnionCarol Anderson and her crew just harvested this huge onion – over 40″ long from root to tip!  Imagine that it started the size of a pencil in a set from Wabash Antiques and Feed last fall.

Great job, guys.

Neighborhood Canvasing

A few Sundays ago, a group of eleven BAUUC youth and advisors went to the Harbor Tree apartment complex near the church.  The group went to inform the residents about our project and how they could participate in the garden.

Thank you to our canvassers:  Kris Berthold, Christina Croson,  Patrick Gibbs, Jenny Jenks, Anna Klinger, Job Rameriz, Megan Riordan, Kellynn Sembera, Keegan Taylor, Nathaniel Throop and Amanda Wehrman.

Details and more photos after the break… Continue reading

Our compost piles

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Preface:  I won’t spend time explaining why compost is important – that’s why we have Google.  If you have some hours to kill, ask me about it in person.


The very first garden elements to be installed were the compost bins – they were built back in mid-October within a week of selecting the garden site.  The bins are constructed from reclaimed wooden shipping pallets (approximately 40″ x 48″).  The pallets are tied together using bailing wire to make a row of bins.  Plastic mesh fencing was stapled across the front of the bins to hold in the compost materials.

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