January Garden Blog – 2020

Thanks for a Great Year!

The highlight of the 2019 gardening year is the gardeners’ continuing contributions of their time and effort.

A sincere thank you to:

George Becker, our plumber, who installed new water spigots and poles with hose hangers that make it possible to mow when everyone coils the hoses after use. He also brought his battery powered hedge clippers to trim back the grass at the end of summer so we could till beds more easily.

Jane and David Malin who graciously shared their plants and growing tips. We have really enjoyed the yellow tomatoes.

Siok Hong Chen-Sabot introduced us to new plants and tastes from different countries.

Bruce Meltzer shared his bed with us so we could have a great crop of sweet potatoes that produced enough to share with the ICM Food Pantry and our resident rabbits.

Susan and Robert Strahan were always the first to arrive every workday and try new plants in their bed.

Beatriz and Liam Perez-Sweeney supplied herbs to local farmers’ markets.

DeAndra Newcomb always had a smile and a helping hand when needed.

Ivar Larsen and Laura Dean were a big help with weeding and harvesting vegetables.

Patrick Ferrell for regularly mowing between the beds.

Terry Garner and Urban Harvest for providing plants, seeds and Micro-Life fertilizer for our donation beds each season.

And especially Emily Savino, our long-time editor who posts on this blog.

It is a pleasure to work with all these folks in our Community Garden!


Our next Garden Workday is on Jan. 18 from 8 ‘til 11. Volunteers are always welcome. Comments or Questions: nveatch@gmail.com, or bauucgarden.org

Nathan Veatch, Garden Administrator


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