Monthly Archives: March 2018

March 2018 – Garden work day

On March 17th, George Becker, Siok Hong Chen-Baden, Bruce Meltzer, Beatriz Perez-Sweeney, Jane and David Malin, and Nathan Veatch had a productive morning working in our spring gardens. Superman George Becker had previously tilled several unused rows and continued the job by tilling two abandoned large plots. One of these beds will be used as a donation bed. Several small beds are also available for adoption by new gardeners. Red and yellow cherry tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini and yellow squash, okra, zinnias, sunflowers and milkweed were planted. We have several beds dedicated to butterfly habitat and herbs for a farmers’ market. Three young bunnies were relocated from one of the beds to a safer area. Hopefully their mom will find them!

Siok Hong took 5 lbs of produce to the ICM Food Bank on March 19. (See the photo below.)


Saturday, April. 21 is our next Garden Workday (the third Saturday of the month). Volunteers are always welcome. Come help and learn how to garden!

Blog post & photos by Nathan

Our gardeners hard at work!

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