Monthly Archives: March 2016

Discover some beneficial insects in your garden.

The folks at the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM) have created a handy poster featuring some of our best insect friends–the natural enemies of garden pests.


They want it spread far and wide, so they’re promoting this link to a downloadable PDF ready to print. This is a great resource for home gardeners, but also for teachers, schools and community gardens. Laminate it and pass it around! And please feel free to share the PDF link with your circles:

(The UC Statewide IPM website is a great resource, even if you don’t live in California. Go there and you’ll find fact sheets on residential pests and advice on how to deal with them.)

Garden Workday Success! 3/12/2016

The March 12th Community Garden workday was an outstanding success due to the efforts of 15 gardeners who did an incredible amount of work. A huge shout out of thanks to: Lea, Cindy, Jacqueline, Beth, A. J., Sharon, Samantha, Carol, Peter, David, George, Emily, Nathan, Ana and Avery. Thanks also to Paula for sprouting and planting radishes early and Bruce &  Kate for their advice and good gardening techniques. The garden beds were weeded, tilled and cultivated. Plants grown by members of the Thursday night Chalice Circle and the Malins were planted. The group then spread straw around all the plants to inhibit weeds. Several members made short work of weeding two onion beds planted earlier this spring. They then placed a special fertilizer in a trench and then covered the bed with pine needles that will prevent weeds and condition the soil. Our goal is to share our bounty with Darcy in the kitchen, Bay Area Turning Point, and the ICM Food Pantry. The next Garden workday is April 16 due to the Garage Sale.

Blog Post & Photos by Nathan

Photos of all our hard working volunteers!

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